work in progress
I am actually constantly painting and so I have new work in progress all the time. At the moment I have just finished the work Cozy corner and I am working on a new interior painting. Below you can see both paintings in different stages.
Painting according to 17th century techniques is a fantastic but also time-consuming activity because it is a layered process. After I determine the subject of a new painting, I make a sketch on my panel with charcoal. When I am satisfied with that, I make an underpainting of it with paint. The sketch then changes into a monochrome colored painting. Form and tonal values are now indicated, after which the so-called imprimatura (literally: first layer, but actually the third) can be applied. This is a thin, transparent colored layer of paint that brings unity and atmosphere to the painting. Only then is it time to use oil paint, applied in thinner and thicker strokes, to create the actual painting. This takes weeks, sometimes months.